Cipolla (Pomona)

Awesome and very rare




Cipolla is a common fig type that originates from the Pomona Gardens, founded by Paolo Belloni in Italy. He saved Cipolla from extinction in Syria, but his mother tree has since died. However, there are a few trees spread around Europe that were cloned from his. Our mother tree was established from a cutting with very good provenance back to Europe.

Color and shape vary, depending upon growing conditions. It can be squat to having a longer neck and stem. Color ranges from brown to a deep violet/purple/burgundy. It often has white speckles, which can sometimes disappear with ripening. The flavor is very exotic, comparable to Black Madeira. Figs shrivel easily on the tree, adding to their flavor.

Definitely on the later side, but well worth the wait. Figs are small to medium on our young tree. So far, our mother tree has not produced a breba crop.

Additional information


4×9 Tree Pot, Cutting