Noire de Barbentane main crop fig

The Bourjassotte Noire Family of Figs

This family of fig varieties is often compared to Black Madeira.

Similar to the Black Madeira fig family, and named after the Bourjassotte Noire fig variety, this fig family is made up of varieties with black skin (often with blue or violet tones), and a red interior. The flavor is also often compared to the complex berry of Black Madeira, but not quite as intense. Where Black Madeiras tend to produce small to medium-sized figs, well-established and healthy varieties from the Bourjassotte Noire fig family can produce large figs, sometimes in the 100 gram range. And though Black Madeiras don’t normally produce a breba crop, varieties from the BN family can produce abundant breba crops. This fig family includes some wonderful classic fig varieties.

Some Bourjassotte Noire Fig Family Varieties

Many Bourjassotte Noire varieties may simply be synonyms. While others may be distinct.

Our Bourjassotte Noire Fig Family Varieties

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